Iron Condor Summary Pages - New
I have added three new summary pages to this blog that can be accessed from the horizontal navigation/menu bar above. The topics covered are:
Starting Structure Iron Condor Articles
Dynamic Exit Iron Condor Articles
Dynamic Exit Iron Condor Statistics
If you don't want to miss my new blog posts, follow my blog either by email or by RSS feed. Both options are free, and are available on the top of the right hand navigation column under the headings "Follow By Email" and "Subscribe To RSS Feed". I follow blogs by RSS using Feedly, but any RSS reader will work.
Starting Structure Iron Condor Articles
- This page lists most of the iron condor (IC) starting structure backtesting posts from this blog.
- This page can be accessed from the menu above from:
TRADING PAGES -> Structure IC Articles - Direct link:
Dynamic Exit Iron Condor Articles
- This page lists most of the dynamic exit Iron Condor (IC) backtesting posts from this blog.
- This page can be accessed from the menu above from:
TRADING PAGES -> Dynamic Exit IC Articles - Direct link:
Dynamic Exit Iron Condor Statistics
- This page contains a downloadable Google Docs spreadsheet listing the summary statistics for the dynamic exit Iron Condors backtested on this blog. This spreadsheet also contains yearly data for: returns, win rate, and profit factor.
- This page can be accessed from the menu above from:
SPREADSHEETS -> Dynamic Exit IC Stats - Direct link:
- A screenshot of the spreadsheet is included below:
If you don't want to miss my new blog posts, follow my blog either by email or by RSS feed. Both options are free, and are available on the top of the right hand navigation column under the headings "Follow By Email" and "Subscribe To RSS Feed". I follow blogs by RSS using Feedly, but any RSS reader will work.